Sunday, June 5, 2011

Got Seasonal Allergies?

If you do, you may be suffering from them right now (my husband has been really miserable lately due to mother nature pollonating like crazy ~ good for the planet, bad for shawn!) ~ or you may have them in the fall like me (something blooms in august that sets me off on sneezing fits, watery eyes, itchy throat, you know the drill!).....just thought i'd share some natural home remedies that shawn and i use to stay allery free!

First thing, i'll tell you about GINGER ~ make yourself a cup of hot tea (whatever kind you like, i use green) add a spoonful of ginger (just a spoon you'd use to eat with), a squeeze of lemon juice and honey to taste. sipping on this will make a sore/itchy throat dissappear almost imediately and no, i'm not over estimating! ginger soothes the sorness and opens up the little "pores" in your mouth and throat to let all the nasties out. in fact i reccomended my grandpa try some once when he had a very sore throat due to a cold, he said when he took it it felt like the sore, hard part in his throat literally burst open and the pain was gone.

Next i'll talk about stinging nettle and licorice root ~ both relieve inflamation in the body and even act as a histamine blocker. I combine these herbs and make capsules (yep, you can make your own!). You can buy veggie capsules at most any healthfood store and they are relatively inexpensive (about $5 for a bag of 80-100 dpending on where you buy them) ~ and the actually break down in your body in time for them to actually take effect, unlike the capsules you would buy in a healthfood store that are premade and made from geletin that don't digest fast enough for the herb to do it's job (you also don't know how long it's been sitting on that shelf, herbs lose their potency after a few years have gone by). Making your own capsules is incrdibly easy and will cost you pennies on the dollar to make! If you do decide to take this particular combination in capsule form, take 2 caps 3 times a day for allergy relief ~ Shawn likes to drink the drink described above along with his herbal caps ~ and i also reccomend you take your caps with a meal (reduces "herby" belches, according to shawn!  :D   ). Shawn went from not being able to sleep at night, constantly sniffing and coughing, watery eyes all day long to being perfectly comfortable and allergy free. These cures also don't cause drowsiness or contain alcohol like 99% of all allergy medications you'd find at the store.

Also, if you ever experience a sneezing fit and just cannot stop, wet a washcloth with cool water, wring it out, place it over your face and breathe through it. This has been the only thing that could stop a sneezing fit! this sort of goes along with the same concept as using a NETI POT, which helps tremendously when dealing with sinus conjestion and washing out dirt and pollon. Just fill your pot with warm (body temperature, not hot) water and a half teaspoon of sea salt to create an all natural saline salution and use as directed in neti pot instructions ~ all are a little different, as you can see  :)  ~

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